Pinion Palooza


Pinion Palooza was Saturday, April 22nd. It is an event to include the campus, especially those in Residence Halls. With 17 attractions, students were provided with a plethora of entertainment.

Residence Hall Association organized and sponsored this event. Attractions were provided by Colorado Mesa University student organizations, Residence Hall Council and the local Bananas Fun Park. In the main plaza, sacks were provided by Sodexo, with tables set up next to the live band.

The main three who facilitated the planning and logistical details for this event, Katie Brodie, Shanna Halalilo and Serena Brown, had never been to a Pinion Palooza before. Brodie is the National Communications Chair of RHA. She is a sophomore this year and couldn’t attend last year. Halalilo transferred to CMU as a senior and is now a Residence Hall Coordinator, and Brown moved here for her CMU position and this is first year.

Not having prior knowledge of how Pinion Palooza looked was both helpful and difficult in the planning process. Brown is the co-advisor of RHA and a Residence Hall Coordinator who came from a large University in Florida.

“I’ve had past experience with other festivals so I was able to bring that knowledge and help the executive board achieve this success,” Brown said. “The board did a great job of getting involvement, but next year I would love to see more student organizations participate.”

Brodie explained that Pinion Palooza’s popularity and entertainment factor started to decline a few years ago. “We’ve been slowly building it back up to be what it should be for the students,” Brodie said.

This event took place during a Mesa Experience. Many parents and prospective students walked through the event. “I think it worked to our advantage to have Mesa Experience the same time. Parents can see us collaborate with all of the organizations on campus and it was fun to see their expressions,” Brodie said.

Next Spring Pinion Palooza will take place on Delta Field and the Plaza. It is open to all students not just Residents.