Associated Student Government

News related to the Associated Student Government, Colorado Mesa University's elected student government.

New Senate Leader elected

Senator Angelina DeCrow has been elected as the new Senate Leader for Colorado Mesa University's (CMU) Senate branch of Associated Student Government (ASG) for...

Montrose: The forgotten campus

More than 60 miles down Highway 50 lies Colorado Mesa University’s Montrose campus. Attached to the Montrose Public Library, the campus is significantly smaller...

Documents allegedly disappear, memories cloud following Mav Awards bias allegations

Following a student leader's allegations of bias in the Mav Awards selection process, documents related to how finalists were chosen have apparently disappeared from...

Grievances filed between Criterion and ASG

Two weeks ago, Associated Student Government (ASG) Senator Richard Nguyen filed an official grievance against The Criterion and Editor in Chief Alec Williams. Because...