New senators elected for student government

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by Bryce Reedy

The Associated Student Government held elections last week for open senator positions. The Senate had nine positions up for election: health sciences (3), physical environmental and biological sciences (2), professional studies, Western Colorado Community College, fine and performing arts and language and mass communications. Every position that was up for election was contested for the first time in years.

“This year is really exciting,” Vice President Ben Linzey said. “It looks like we had one of the biggest turn outs ever for a fall election. Not only with people running but with the number of votes. We had over 300 votes which is pretty big for a fall election. All of the seats that we had open were contested by one or two people, so they were all races. They were all competitive.”

The health sciences senator had four candidates for the three positions. When the results were finalized Christine Conley, Connie Kim and Kelcey McCririe were the three senators elected. Professional studies senator had three candidates for one open position. Anna Stover won that senate seat. Cody Armstrong was elected the senator for Western Colorado Community College, beating out three other candidates. Fine and performing arts earned Tzetzi M as their senator against Jackson Huffman. Language, literature and mass communications earned Whitney Robinson for that seat. Two senators were chosen for the physical environmental and biological sciences major, Zach Harr and Sage Johnson.

The election had a total of 325 submissions. The lone chair in the ASG senate yet to be filled is the computer sciences senator.