Mesa Theater making huge changes

New fresh performances coming near you


Mesa Theater, located at 538 Main St., is known for music, comedy shows, karaoke nights and more. In 2015, Mesa Theater closed its doors due to a failure of making payments. The theater re-opened last year.

I came to Colorado Mesa University in 2014; the Mesa Theater was still open then. My friends and I were always interested in going to the theater, but we believed they didn’t have the greatest options of shows to see.

The theater closed in March 2015 and re-opened in Jan. 2016. Since re-opening, they have seriously stepped up their business with cooler events, perhaps because of the new general manager/talent buyer Rick Christensen.

You can tell the difference between what it was and what it is now. You don’t even have to go see it to realize how much they have changed. Just look at their calendar events and you can see a fresh new set of artists and interesting events to participate in.

They have renovated the bathrooms, put new flooring in, created a better way to do ticketing and they have a new sound system. The theater also has a great new list of events. They wanted to bring in more music like country, reggae and EDM so a variety of people would attend their shows.

They certainly accomplished their goal. Mesa Theater has brought in many popular artists in the last couple of months and has had a good turnout of attendance. I personally will be seeing Trevor Hall on Nov. 4 and I am so excited because he is one of my favorite artists. Matisyahu will be performing Dec. 2, which I plan on attending as well.

The Floozies will also be performing Jan. 18 and I know a lot of my friends are wanting to see them in concert. I just named three different genres that will be in at the theater, so you know they are proving what they announced.

Mesa Theater has more than music performances that will be happening in the future. They do a karaoke night called Ben and Seth’s Awesome Night of Karaoke which is every Wed. at 8 p.m. They have many comedy shows that look super funny and something I will be seeing down the line.

Mesa Theater has made great adjustments to their website and now it is super easy to purchase tickets, find their calendar and contact information. I think Mesa Theater has come a long way, but there is definitely more room for growth.

I am personally so thrilled to get to the Mesa Theatre Nov. 4 because I haven’t seen it since before they closed. I know they have worked immensely on their new brand and they did it at such a fast pace.

I suggest everyone go to their website and find something to attend. I promise there will be something that you will find interesting. Tickets aren’t too expensive and the theater has a super friendly feel. Mesa Theater may just be your new favorite spot in the Grand Valley.        


  1. Patrick Waterman hasn’t been with the theater since January 2016, The General Manager/talent Buyer is Rick Christensen… Other than that a great article!

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