Mesa Experience


by Connie Kim

    Nearly 200 hundred people from all over the nation gathered in the University Center Ballroom Saturday morning for CMU’s first Mesa Experience (ME) of the year. The visitation program hosts prospective students and their families to showcase the campus and its academic programs.

    The event, hosted by the Admissions office and their student Ambassadors occurs, five times a year, and the number of guests that attend increase as the year progresses. The Student Ambassador program is a four-year leadership role with a commitment to promoting and representing the university. The Ambassadors go through a week long intensive training during the summer and winter breaks to learn about campus updates and programs. The Mesa Experience Visitation program is one of their biggest events of the year.

    “We’re really excited,” Sara Keeney, President of the Student Ambassadors, said. “We have about 170 prospective students signed up, which is an awesome start for our first one of the year. We all have been working really hard to get the word out about ME to perspective students, because it’s such a great opportunity for them to see all that CMU has to offer.”

    The event starts with an academic fair, where professors volunteer their Saturday morning to speak to prospective students. Nearly every department was represented, and prospective students and their parents were able to get all their specific questions answered. The guests are then divided into their majors, and are given an exclusive tour of their department building.

    For example, students interested in Health Sciences had exclusive access to the Nursing Simulation labs, the Rad Tech room, and the community hospital building that was recently bought out by the University. These features are not included in a given a regular given tour. Students are fed lunch catered by Sodexo to experience the flavors offered in the Dining Hall. The event ended with an interactive breakout sessions.

    “We love that it happened to fall on homecoming week this year because campus is so busy, and it gives students a great look into student life,” Keeney said.

    The next Mesa Experience is set for Nov. 5, and three more will be hosted in the following semester.