Letter from the staff: It’s the final countdown


We have just over a week left of the semester, and for most, one of the toughest and longest semesters in a while. This is not only the case with the students across campus but the professors and administration as well. But here is the honest truth: we are in the final stretch everyone! So it is time to buckle down and push through this last week and a half.

This semester has been filled with events that have been draining, exciting, depressing and everything in between. And while we know it is like pulling teeth trying to motivate yourselves to go to those final classes of the year, you have to push through. Don’t let all of your hard work go to waste these last few classes of the year.

The holidays combined with finals, the election and various other events that have taken place this semester have taken its toll. But with finals a mere week away you can’t let up now. Push through.

Don’t let your body convince you that you cannot go on. Make yourself get up for that last 8 a.m. class of the semester. Use those couple of free hours at night to study for that final; it could be the difference between an A and a C. Don’t fall victim to the “after Thanksgiving woes.”

Fellow Mavericks, take advantage of the resources CMU is giving us over these next two weeks to be as success as you can be. Go to the stress relief events. Get a massage from the Maverick Center. Go to Cram Jam at the cafe and work with your classmates while getting those midnight snacks that everyone knows they enjoy. And remember,  there are always others out there to help you get through the final push of the semester. You are not alone in this.

And to every student, faculty member, administrator and reader, know we at the Criterion are rooting for you and believe you are going to achieve at the highest level over these next few weeks. It’s the final countdown, so make it the best it can be. And as always, Mav up CMU, ’cause it’s go time!