FYI program sets students up for success


There are three types of Freshman Year Initiative (FYI) programs one could be a part of. There’s the Full Track, which is a way for students to get a better understanding of the skills needed to be successful in college. There is the Provisional Baccalaureate (PB) program, designed for students who didn’t fully meet admissions requirements set by admissions department here at Colorado Mesa University (CMU), but still have an opportunity to achieve full baccalaureate status with the completion of the program. Finally, there’s the GOALS program, which is centered around academic preparedness, life success skills and much needed team building skills.

When talking with multiple students around campus most were excited to be participating in such a beneficial program. 

One could benefit a lot from being in the FYI program. Students in the program gain access to multiple tools and skills to better adapt to an ever-changing college lifestyle. Upon completion of the program students were credited with two legitimate college credit hours that contributed towards their degree and eventually graduation.

Students is admitted into the Provisional Baccalaureate (PB) program became assigned to the Office of Student Success. This also came with the access to advisors and student academic coaches. They are responsible for insuring the student is taking the proper courses to better prepare for their future career. Most academic advisers were, at one point, students here at CMU.

A student admitted into CMU’s GOALS is not fully accepted into a Baccalaureate program. This program is for students who have been accepted into an Associates program but wish to further transition into a full Baccalaureate program later on down the line. This program is designed to give support and skills needed to better transition into a college environment, as well as becoming comfortable with other students and a full-size college campus. 

There are some cons to these various programs though. Participation in any of these programs comes with a price. Both the FYI and Provisional Baccalaureate program are anywhere from $285 to $455 (plus tuition) based on if the student is living on campus or not. 

GOALS is quite a bit cheaper. A student in the GOALS program is looking at $65 to $125 based on their living situation. 

Another downside is the fact that students leave home a week early. I’m sure most students would love to have that one last week with their loved ones back at home. 

At the end of the day, regardless of which program students participated in, these could be very beneficial for a first-year student looking for a smooth transition into college life.