
What happened to Thanksgiving?


Putting up Christmas stuff in stores this early is a mortal sin. Maybe it might be the inner Ebenezer Scrooge in me, or maybe it’s because I’m still salty on the fact that Santa Claus isn’t real – unless you’re a kid reading this, then Santa Claus is totally real. Anyways, here’s why it is horrible.

For starters, Halloween had not even happened yet when Christmas decorations hit the shelves. I mean, come on. Really? Seriously? Can we get through one holiday before the next one? Don’t even get me started on the fact that they tried to skip Thanksgiving.

There are 55 days between Halloween and Christmas and another holiday in between. Putting Christmas decorations on the shelves this early is like keeping the lights on your front porch all year long.

Next, let us talk about temptation. We already have to deal with the temptation of all the 10 dollar bags of assorted chocolates that we know we don’t need. But what if we get a lot of trick-or-treaters? Yeah right, the vast majority of us will end up eating more than half of that bag ourselves. Not to mention the pumpkins, the costumes and all the Halloween decorations. While we’re already on this massive spending spree, you think to yourself in the back of the head “why not just buy some Christmas things too?”

Lastly, I still need to think of the Thanksgiving buffet and Christmas presents coming up. With Halloween and Christmas shopping going on at the same time, it can get a little pricey. But there’s the added bonus of the fear of missing out. What if I don’t buy the giant Frosty the Snowman now and when December comes around there are no more?

Putting Christmas stuff out this soon is only going to hurt my wallet.

Putting Christmas decorations, at least before black Friday happens, is a mortal sin. A MORTAL SIN I tell you.

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