Career Services could be your new BFF


Career Services is here to help students and alumni achieve their career goals. This office is located in the University Center and has walk-in hours Monday through Friday from 2-3 p.m. The career counselors are eager to work with you and help guide you down career paths. Here are some of the resources available at Career Services.

Resume and Cover Letter Review

Creating a resume and cover letter can be tricky. There is specific content employers are looking for. On the CMU website under “Career Services,” there are links that provide example resume and cover letters.

There is also informational videos and the do’s/don’ts of writing a resume and cover letter. A great resource students and alumni have is “Optimal Resume.”

This site provides templates for creating a resume based on the field you’re applying in. After you have created a resume and cover letter, you can set up an appointment with a career counselor. The career counselor will review these documents with you and help make any adjustments needed.

Mock Interviews

First impressions are important, especially when applying for a job or program. Career Services offers mock interviews to help you with your interview skills. Students and alumni have the ability to make an appointment with a career counselor and go through interview questions together.

The career counselor will provide feedback and give suggestions on how to improve your answers if necessary. This is a great way to gain confidence before an interview and practice your interview skills.

Career Assessments

Student assessments are a great way to learn more about yourself and your interests. If you are a current student, CMU offers the “Strong Interest Inventory” for free the first time you take it.

For alumni, the test costs $23 and for community members it is $35. The “Strong Interest Inventory” can be found on the CMU website under career services under the career assessments tab. The assessment should only take 15-30 minutes to complete and requires a follow-up appointment with Career Services.

During this appointment, a career counselor will go over your results and help you figure out what career field best suits you.

Another assessment available to CMU students is the “College in Colorado Profiler.” Use College In Colorado to research careers and explore interests by a variety of topics: job description and specialties, education and training required,  temperaments and aptitudes, earnings and employment outlook, etc.

Career Events

There are workshops offered every semester that go over various career topics. Spring 2018 workshops include: resume and cover letter, interviewing skills, preparing for an internship, and employment readiness boot camp.

You can find the date and location of these workshops on the CMU website under Career Services under upcoming events.

The upcoming events tab also shows what employers are coming to campus. In addition, Career Services hosts career fairs to give students the opportunity to meet potential employers.  

Career Services is a great resource for students and alumni. They offer various way to help you reach your career goals.

Career counselors are here to help guide you and provide opportunities to make connections with future employers. I recommend stopping by their office and giving yourself a head start at a bright future.