ASG sends Printmaking Guild to Omaha

After minimal discussion, bill passed unanimously.


The Associated Student Government allocated $2,846 to send four students from the Printmaking Guild to the Frogman’s Print Workshop in Omaha during June. Despite a high dollar amount per student, senators were impressed with the large amount of club contributions, which was a little over half of the trip’s total cost of $5,892.

Senator Colton Rupple was initially concerned with the large dollar amount, which was over $700 requested from ASG per student.

“I really like this bill for the amount of contributions they have, but the amount per student they’re asking seems a little too high to me,” Rupple said.

Senator Jeff Vela, also a Fee Allocation Committee representative, said the bill passed with little opposition in FAC, mainly due to the guild’s presence in the community.

During their presentation, a representative of the guild said that their club is involved with the community, both through campus events such as Artober Fest and through commissioned activities, such as printing the T-shirts currently for sale in the Dinosaur Journey gift shop. The club also does commissioned printing services for clubs on campus.

“[The community aspect] is why I voted yes in FA, and I’ll vote yes again,” Vela said.

Senator Brittany Dixon, the club’s ASG representative, encouraged senators to vote in favor of the bill owing to the guild’s dedication and financial contributions to the bills.

“They’re very dedicated,” Dixon said of the Printmaking Guild. “You can see their amount of contributions is insane compared to a lot of the other bills we’ve seen [this year].”

Dixon also explained that the guild students provided their own equipment for activities and projects throughout the year. She believed a vote yes would reward their hard work.

The bill passed unanimously with no further discussion.

In other action:

ASG unanimously passed a bill to change the fees for campus courses, many of which were lab, art or field trip-based courses. Course fee changes are passed every spring, and only apply to students who enroll in classes that have fees.

ASG unanimously passed a resolution in support of the proposed 92 cent per credit hour increase, with a reminder from Senator Vela that the fix is temporary and will be addressed during the coming biennial year.

As ASG was unable to maintain quorum after Senator Dillon Paningsoro had to leave, senators discussed bylaw changes but were unable to pass any.