A book every college student should read


I completely understand if you initially want to dismiss this article. I know how busy the lives of college students are – but hear me out!  

Everyone has read a book that they absolutely loved for one reason or another. Education, self-improvement, just because it was fun, and the list goes on-and-on. The book I believe you should read was initially an assignment for me. It was required of me for an honors class here at CMU.  

I bet many of you will be shocked – it isn’t a textbook! It is a book of the self-help variety. I know many of you are probably scoffing, I nearly did as well when it was assigned in class. But trust me when I say that this book is totally worth the read. 

For those that know me well I am chatty and friendly. For those that don’t, I am quite shy and introverted. That is why I absolutely loved Dale Carnegie’s “How To Win Friends & Influence People.”  

For those of you that aren’t aware, this book has been in print for 80 years. In my opinion, a self-help book in publication for that long actually holds something of value. 

Although the book focuses on job-seeking and business ventures, the advice within can be applied to virtually any social situation. The book consists of four parts, several chapters each. At the end of each chapter, and then combined at the end of each part, the lessons are summarized into concise principles. 

Don’t just believe me when I say these are words to live by. Read the book! 

This book has helped me immensely in my academic, work, and personal life. It has helped me land jobs, get involved in clubs, and make new friends. As an introvert, that is saying something. 

Sometimes the principles seem like common sense conclusions. However, the examples and breakdown of the principles make it easier to implement for yourself. 

Don’t just take my word for it that this is an amazing book. Read it for yourself. What do you think? 

What book do you think every college student, or every person, should read?