Seriously, go to class

Participation points and effort can really boost your grade


Near the end of each semester, we sign up for classes for the next semester. We are able to choose times that work best for us, yet so many people still don’t attend class. Instead, they miss way too many classes, which affect their final grade.

It isn’t hard to go to class when you decide when your classes are going to be. In many classes, all that needs to be done in order to earn participation points is attending the class and listening to the professor.

Participation points are a huge part of the grade for many classes, making attendance worth your time. When you don’t show up to class, you could be losing 100-200 points, depending on the professor’s participation policy. Those points could make or break your grade.  

Another reason it’s smart to go to class is that most of the work, depending on your major, will be taught in the class as well as through in-class assignments, tests and quizzes. Most professors seem to go over the chapter that was supposed to be read before that class. This could significantly lower the amount of homework you have if you didn’t show up.  

That’s the biggest part of going to class: less homework.  

You are probably missing class because you want to do something “more fun,” yet, if you had shown up and did the homework before/during instead of after class, you could have more time to do what you want.

You also lose money when you don’t attend class. You are paying thousands of dollars to be attending this school, to take the classes that for the degree you seek.  

What would that mean when you miss?  

You are losing your money and going more into debt for no reason. If you don’t like to show up to class then, maybe it’s time to ask yourself the question, “why am I even going to school?”

You will have to be really honest with yourself when asking this question. This could potentially open up new doors, new opportunities or at least save you years of debt.  

It is difficult for some to say “I’m dropping out,” because most parents want you to attend college.  

However, college isn’t for everyone.

One of the reasons why many students are not attending class is because they haven’t found the joy in going.  

Everyone has an excuse as to why they miss class. It is better to go and show up than to stay at home and sleep. Going to class is starting to build a habit, that will carry over to your future career. It’s not like you would miss a day of work just because you wanted to sleep in.