Get your sweat on with group classes

Hamilton Recreation center exercise classes


The Hamilton Recreation Center is a great place to pump iron, shoot some hoops and swim a couple laps in the pool, but how about the classes offered every week? A group class might be just what you need to switch up your workout routine.

The rec center offers over eight exercise classes Monday-Saturday. Classes start at different times throughout the week and the intensity varies depending upon class and instructor. Classes are free for Colorado Mesa University students and are included with gym memberships.

Indoor cycling is offered every day of the week except for Friday. Classes are available from 5:45 a.m.-5:45 p.m. Indoor cycling is great if you’re looking to promote muscular and cardiovascular development. Mav cycle express in the afternoon tends to be less busy, if you’re not a fan of working out in front of a crowd.

One cycling instructor, Linda, has been known as one of the toughest spin instructors. Being one of the participants in the spin class, you can expect to hear motivational quotes like, “treat your body like you treat a friend” and “this ride is for someone you love.” It’s motivational and helps when you want to quit. 

Mav cycle is a “spin” off of regular cycling. Classes are choreographed and guided by certified instructors.

Rise and shine yoga is a mixture of sun salutations and yoga postures. Taught at 6:35 a.m., the class is intended to transition the body into a waking state and open the muscle joints in the body.

Emma Berry, HRC building manager said, “Rise and shine yoga is a great way to start the day. I would suggest getting there 5-10 minutes early if you want to find a spot though. The classes get pretty full.”

Work on your strength, flexibility, and balance in yoga vinyasa. Yoga Vinyasa is a class that integrates a unity of mind, body and breath. All levels are welcome. If you’re looking for a more intense class, try power vinyasa with either Lindsey or Teresa.

If you’re looking to incorporate a little bit of everything try pilates for the athlete and or TRX core and conditioning. TRX was born in the Navy SEALs and utilizes TRX straps mixed in with high-intensity cardio drills. Show up early so you are guaranteed a spot in the class.

If you like to dance try the Latin-based rhythm class, Zumba. You’ll be dripping sweat before the class is over while you tone and sculpt your body.

“Zumba, yoga, TRX and cycling are all pretty popular. Each one is unique and different from the next so there’s something for everybody regardless of what you’re into,” said Berry.

A full schedule and list of classes can be found in the Hamilton Recreation Center and online at