All dressed up for the faculty gala

CMU music department kicks off concert season with an annual faculty gala concert


The Moss Performing Arts building will be loud and packed the evening of Wednesday, Sept. 13. Beginning at 7:30 p.m., the music department will open the doors to community members, faculty and students. The Love Recital Hall will house up to 280 of these musically-interested people. The faculty of the music department will be performing different types of work. The performances range from vocal to oboe, trombone, guitar, bassoon and much more.

“We’ve been doing it so long that I’ve lost track,” said the department of music head, Calvin Hofer. “I started it many years ago and we just continue to do it. It’s kind of our official kick off to the concert season, which we call Music at Mesa.”

Most faculty participate in this event. They take time out of teaching to create something to show the students who they are learning from. The faculty members choose to either perform as a soloist or in an ensemble. This is their way to perform and also teach the students something about their own personal passions and background.

“I used to participate when I was teaching and performing, but now my administrative duties prevent me from playing at a level that would be equal to what these great faculty can do,” Hofer said.  

The visiting faculty member, Brian Krinke, will also perform most likely with his violin.

The concert will be followed by a reception where faculty, community and students can mingle and discuss any topic. The reception will follow in the lobby. Music department students are usually the ones to attend this concert, but it is a chance for CMU students, who don’t know much about the music department to learn. The event is open doors for everyone.

“It’s a time to bring together all of the faculty, regular patrons, community members and all of our students together in one evening,” Hofer said.