Snoozin’ for champs


Warning: The following information is life-changing. Common side-effects include extreme happiness and revitalization. The next three hundred words will unveil the exact criteria for the perfect nap.

First things first, your napping environment is crucial. Personally, I like to light a candle for about ten minutes before I plan to lay down. It adds a nice, crisp cleanliness to the space. 

A soothing ambience is created by the glow of the flame, allowing the wind-down process to begin. After lighting the candle, direct your attention to the temperature. The best sleep takes place in gentle coolness; anywhere between 68-70º Fahrenheit is ideal.

Keeping the flame aglow, begin to darken your drowsy dwelling. Close the curtains and turn off the lights. Blackening out the room will provide optimal results.

Now, let’s focus on the wardrobe. A sweatshirt helps create a sense of comfiness, while shorts liberate the legs and allow them to breathe.

Next, we will concentrate on the bed. Make sure you have a plethora of pillows. Give yourself some fluffy and firm options, to cushion and support your head as needed. A big, soft blanket is a must as well. 

By now, the ten minutes should be about up. Take your still-burning candle into the bathroom and blow it out. Close your bedroom door to keep the smoke from overtaking the wonderful aroma you have created.

Now that you have the perfect environment and the optimal outfit, let’s talk about timing. According to the Mayo Clinic, a 10- to 20-minute hibernation is advisable. 

However, if you are in need of some serious snoozin’, aim for 90 minutes. Any longer can cause drowsiness or disorientation. 

The time has come to climb into bed. Bury yourself in the valleys of comfort you have created and drift into the doze of your dreams.