ASG denies appointment of new senator

Halm denied appointment due to concerns about a lack of commitment


The Associated Student Government’s meeting on Sept. 12 involved discussion of an unoccupied seat within ASG. Jaqueline Halm was presented by Senate Leader Colton Rupple to claim the seat of language, literature and mass communication senator. After discussion and a vote, the seat remained empty.

Celeste Martinez, ASG press secretary, left the seat open when she was appointed to her new position by ASG President Beau Flores. Halm ran for the position but was defeated by Martinez during the spring elections.

After Rupple introduced Halm, several senators asked questions about Halm’s involvement with the organizations and clubs she would represent. They also questioned her about time constraints she may face as a senator.

Halm answered all questions directed to her from the senators and was then asked to leave the room while ASG discussed the prospective appointment.

“I had two others, and I thought she was more eager to join than the other two,” Rupple said during the discussion.

“I think it shows a lot of initiative that she lost the election to contact us again and she is learning to better herself,” Faith Wood said. “She came back and willing to learn. It shows determination.”

Other senators voiced concerns about their perceived lack of qualification or commitment on Halm’s behalf. When ASG voted on the prospective appointment, the senators that doubted Halm outnumbered those who favored her for the seat.

Seven senators voted in favor of the appointment, 14 voted against Halm and two senators abstained from the vote.

In other news:

Student Trustee Amara Hobbs expressed frustration at poor attendance for Conference Committee, reminding senators of the importance of the committee and their commitment to attend. Rupple supported Hobbs’ claim of the importance of attendance.

Flores was absent due to illness, but had Martinez read a message from him offering to buy coffee for senators that wanted to meet with him so he could get to know them personally. The letter also detailed his intent to veto any future bills that came before ASG requesting funding for clubs to go on trips when the clubs had done no fundraising efforts on their own.

Martinez reminded the senators that the Men in Heels race would take place at 5:30 p.m. on Sept. 13 and Flores would be running on The Criterion’s team. 

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