Rock on

The turnout of Tour de Rock was better than last year


The second annual Tour de Rock took place Thursday, bringing with it a much greater crowd than last year. It took place in the same location: at the intersection of 4th and Main Street.

Tour de Rock was a combined effort between Colorado Mesa University and downtown Grand Junction to put together a night of music, beer, costumes and festivities. This year, it started up at the end of the day’s Farmer’s Market, drawing in several people with the event.

Compared to last year, this year’s Tour de Rock, which is modeled after the famous Tour de Fat, had fewer costumes and fewer intoxicated people, despite the fact that there was still beer served, provided by Rockslide Brewery.

Two different bands performed this year. Last year featured Bicycle Annie and Suckafish while this year, Wave 11 performed, followed by Zolopht, who started at about 9:30 p.m. The atmosphere this year was family friendly, with the bands’ songs being appropriate for all ages and with security guards stationed around the perimeter in case anything got out of hand.

The population of the event was way up from last year, as well. Whereas last year wasn’t even remotely crowded, people were crowded further around the intersection this time.

Zolopht finished out the night strong. Near the end, they performed a song dedicated to a lady who had been their biggest fan who had died a year earlier.

During the song, the son of the lady sat on the shoulders of his recently adopted father at the front of the crowd.

Overall, the public attendance was improved from last year, with town residents of all ages present.