How to make these last months count

Post spring break depression is real but post college depression is even worse


Post-spring break depression is real and it’s hitting many Colorado Mesa University students pretty hard this year. The last couple months, CMU students have been counting down the days to spring break.

Whether we planned to visit family, go on vacation, or just stay home relaxing, the idea of spring break pulled us through each week of class. Now that spring break is over, we are struggling to find motivation to finish these last eight weeks.

It can be difficult for students to fall back into their daily routine after having a ten days off. However, students aren’t the only ones struggling, so are professors. When a professor admits they’re having a hard time getting back into the hectic university life, it creates a connection.

Students realize their professors understand what they are going through and that makes going to class a little easier. Students and professors both have to put in extra work to get through these last few assignments and exams.

It may not feel like it now, but I think these last few weeks will fly by. Although each day seems to drag on and on, Friday always pops up and I’m in disbelief it’s already the weekend.

People say time goes by faster when you’re busy, if that’s the case, this semester will be over in the blink of an eye. Before you know it, days start to turn into weeks, weeks turn into months and all of a sudden you are getting ready to graduate.

Don’t forget to take a minute to sit back and enjoy the fact that you’re young and in college.

Completing a year of college is always bittersweet.

At the moment, we can’t wait to get through the semester.

However, looking back, it makes me sad that I wished away so many semesters. College is a unique chapter in life; one that we will never experience again.

For this reason, I am going to make these last eight weeks count. I may be tired, overwhelmed and missing the beach; nevertheless, I am grateful to have the opportunity to be apart of the CMU community.

Shortly, May will approach us and bring change. Some of our friends will graduate and start new lives far away. Summer internships will spread us all throughout the United States. Students planning to study abroad will start preparing to live in a new country.

These last short months may be the last time we see some of the faces we’ve seen every day this year. So let’s overcome this post-spring break depression and rejoice in the time we still have together.