The last one

Senior year in college brings stress and excitement for some


Entering the last year of your education is bittersweet. Some are excited and cannot wait to leave school and homework behind, while others are having anxiety attacks. As a senior are you excited to be in your last semester or last year of education or are you filled with dread?

Four years ago being a senior in high school felt very different than being a senior in college. Being a high school senior there is fun, excitement, opportunity and no worries. All you had to do was figure out which college you were going to and most students could not wait to flee their homes and embark on a new journey. Yet, it was still school. In college you still have winter break, spring break and summer, which for some that is the same schedule they have been on since they were five. After college, most will never hear the words winter break or spring break again; instead it will be planning to take off your five vacation days or whatever your work will provide.

As summer break is over it is bittersweet to think that it could be the last summer break we ever get. Every moment of senior year in college counts. Don’t take the half day of classes for granted or the breaks we get. For this could be it. For some this school year is not as stressful as others, but every senior has the stress of getting all requirements completed, filling out graduation items and figuring out what to do afterwards.

Those who are excited either have their careers and future planned out or really like the unknown. Those who are dreading realize the real world is just around the corner and it’s a lot larger than the Colorado Mesa University campus.

Do you dread senior year or are you jumping up and down with excitement?