Over 75 employers in attendance at job fair hosted in Plaza

Local busninneses helped support the students at Colorado Mesa University’s (CMU). On Thursday September 5, career services in communion with employers all over Grand Junction and beyond gathered in the plaza in front of the University Center to offer several different work opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students. Opportunities in various types of industries, which included construction, food service, law enforcement, non-profit, business and management positions just to name a few were available for students to check out.

Many businesses were looking specifically for employees with little to no experience and offer entry-level positions. Though many of the offered job opportunities were in local businesses, there were some employers that were hiring from outside the city of Grand Junction and even outside the state of Colorado. These businesses provide opportunities to graduating students who are looking for work to do with their degrees, as well as to students looking for summer and winter internships. 

The job fair featured representatives from companies like Hilltop Community Resources, who were specifically looking for volunteer workers around Grand Junction while also encouraging students that may be interested in helping provide to people that are in need. 

“So we actually have 32 different programs, and so we actually help a lot of people. We’re very community based, so we’re looking for all different types of help. We’re looking for a housekeeper care specialist, QMAPs. Also family navigators for our Family Resource Center. Just a lot of different opportunities available right now period,” said Hilltop Representatives Rachelle Horner and Jamie Gonzalez.

“We specialize in building buildings basically. And so, we offer all kinds of Entry level positions. Anywhere from a project engineer who’s proud of our part of our construction teams to estimating, engineer, helping us put together Budget as well as marketing And business development. So we offer a few different types of entry-level positions for college graduates,” said W.E. O’Neil Construction Representative Dan Sulewski.

More representatives were present for the department store Dillard’s, looking for potential workers for the upcoming year. Dilard’s is looking for students willing to take on both part-time and full-time summer internship positions for the upcoming year. Of the more than 75 employers present at the job fair, many are looking for all sorts of workers that may be available for either part-time positions or full-time positions. The job fair itself was overall very successful in terms of turn-out. There were hundreds of students who attended the event, emphasizing the clear need and desire for jobs amongst students. The ability to make some money while maintaining a flexible schedule is often considered a must have for working students. 

Job fairs have historically been a great resource for students that don’t know where to start when looking for a job. Finding a job may prove complicated in young adulthood due to lack of experience and but events such as these can help students get that real world exposure

Students should keep in mind that University’s Career Services are always an available resource, and can help all interested students to find a job that fits their schedule and interests, they also provide other services like: Resume building services and grad school preparation amongst other things. Their office is located in the University Center, and can be contacted via email, or by calling the number 970-248-1404.

In the event students missed this job fair, there will be plenty more throughout the semester. On Sept. 19 there will be a Mav Industry Power Hour for the engineering department from 5-6pm. Power Hours are hosted throughout the year and provide students with unique opportunities to connect with employers in their areas of study. This event will be held in the Confluence hall, project room 177. On Sept. 25, there will also be a natural resource job fair from 3-5pm in the University Center in the Meyer Ballroom.  

With the incredible influx of new students this semester, there is going to be a greater demand for employment both locally as well as outside of the Grand Valley, opening up all sorts of doors!

Image courtesy of Martín Grajales Flórez


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