KMSA is the campus radio station and features student shows that range from music to sports. 

“DJs get to choose whatever kind of music or talk show that they want as long as it’s [Federal Communications Commission] FCC compliant. […] Our Production Manager has a show called Feel Good Friday and it’s an afternoon show where he plays hip hop,” KMSA General Manager and senior Dalen Brazelton said.

Others include 2000s alternative punk which garnered attention from an inmate who wrote to KMSA about being a fan of the show and one that only features Ska. 

KMSA does have an online platform at that is easy to access for students as well as being on terrestrial radio at 91.3 FM.

“Lately our big thing has been advertising it [KMSA] more and we understand the importance of terrestrial radio and putting it online as well is at no cost to us. We would like to expand into the podcast realm,” Brazelton said. 

Meetings occur on Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. in Escalante 105, also known as the Audio Lab. The organization provides free food every week for its meeting attendees. 

“If people are really interested in DJing events, a lot of times that is us on campus so that’s another way to get involved with us,” Brazelton said.