Why fall break is so short

Fall break only a day but a day earned by students


The highly anticipated fall break, in which Colorado Mesa University students get a Friday off, is coming up soon. 

This is the first break for students since the beginning of the semester. However, even though the saying goes “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth,” some just can’t help but stare that mouth down.

So, why the heck do we have this Friday off anyway? Why isn’t it longer, and why even have it at all? Well, the answer is simpler than one might originally think.

Rather than being some sort of conspiracy into this singular day, it is simply there as a marker and break in between the two mod courses.

Mod two begins on Oct. 16, the Monday after fall break, and this offers a nice split in between the two sections of the fall semester. Let’s not forget about the fact that the middle of the fall semester is aligned with this day, and with the middle of the semester comes midterms.

According to Dana Nunn, director of media relations at CMU, reports that the middle of the semester is a main reason for the break. “Mid-term exams occur in many classes in the week before fall break. The Monday after fall break is when the second mod begins. I say all that to explain it is intended to give students a little break in the middle of the semester,” Nunn explained.

Fall break also marks the first university-wide break since the summer break, so this offers a much-needed brain break for students that have been bogged down with the ball and chain, that is homework and study time.

There are benefits to providing a three-day weekend, but who was it that decided to include this break in the first place?

“Several years ago, students (through ASG) decided they would prefer to have only a one-day fall break so they could have a longer break at Thanksgiving. That is what students have, a full week of no classes for the Thanksgiving break,” Nunn indulged.

Therefore, the Associated Student Government at the time-integrated this tiny break into our system to give us all a rest, without taking away from the long break over the Thanksgiving holiday. Fall break is, essentially, a little push on the way up the mountain, just enough to keep students going, over nearly straight 13 weeks of school.

Despite the fact that one day isn’t a whole lot of time, especially compared to winter break, there are still several activities that students can do with the extra time. Whether that be going on a campout with the Outdoor Program, going back home or simply catching up on all the textbook reading that should’ve been accomplished during class, this single day is really a blessing. Just don’t overthink why it is only a day.