Don’t be “that guy” at the gym

Selfish behaviors make you a pest to fellow gym patrons


We have all seen them.

The people that think the gym belongs to them and make everybody else roll their eyes. While you may scoff at “that guy” on some issues, however, you could be the offender on others. Here’s a list of obnoxious gym behaviors. If you identify with any of them, you might be “that guy.”

Before I begin, I will put out the disclaimer that the moniker “that guy” is not necessarily gender specific. On rare occasions, females can also be offenders of proper gym etiquette.

More often, though, the guilty parties are male.  

With that in mind, I am generally guiding this article towards men, and that is why I say, “that guy” throughout. Whether you are male or female, if you recognize yourself on this list, just stop. Let’s get started.

Check out more photos at @haleylewfit on Instagram. Courtesy | Keevah McCarthy Photography

If you leave your weights lying around after you’re finished with them, you are “that guy.” Nobody else cares how much you lift. Put your weights away. If you’re too weak to do so, just ask one of the ladies working out. I’m sure they can handle it just fine.

If you scream and slam weights just so everybody can know that you’re a “beast,” you are “that guy.” No one else gives a rip how hard you can go. They’re focusing on their own workout. When you disrupt their workout with obnoxious screams, all you do is annoy everybody and look ridiculous.

If you lean on popular weight stations so that you can chat with your bros or flirt, you’re “that guy.” The gym isn’t a social club or a dating site. Do your work and move along.

Similarly, if you sit at an exercise station scrolling through Facebook, texting, or emailing, you’re “that guy.” There are plenty of places to sit around staring at your phone; the gym isn’t one of them. The person waiting to use the bench press is losing their pump while you select your Snapchat filter.

If you feel compelled to workout barefoot, you are “that guy.” Public gyms have enough issues with maintaining hygiene without your nasty fungus feet slopping all over the place. Put your shoes on. Wearing closed toe shoes is one of the gym’s rules.

If you use a piece of equipment without wiping it down afterward, you are “that guy.” Nobody wants to slip and slide in your bodily secretions. Clean up your sweat before you move along.

If you need to perform your exercises pressed against or leaning on the dumbbell rack, you are “that guy.” People shouldn’t have to wait for you to consummate your love with the rack before they can grab the 50lb dumbbells. Take a couple steps back.

If you spend half your workout flexing in the mirror, you’re “that guy.” You won’t impress anybody other than yourself. Mirrors are for checking form. You can stare at your “huge” biceps at home.

This list is far from all-inclusive. While it has really only scratched the surface, hopefully it gives a good indication of the kind of behavior that ought to be avoided in the gym. If you can recognize yourself in any of the actions mentioned, please stop.

The gym is for everyone to use. A little bit of common courtesy isn’t too much to ask. If every gym patron has consideration for others, the gym can be a great place for all of us this year. Get in a great workout, but don’t be “that guy.”