Death to The Crite


The Criterion has been the school paper since 1931, and it is time for that reign of terror to come to an end. 

For too long, The Crite has maliciously reported happenings around campus. Student organizations and administration have suffered at the hands of their staff. All they do is report the negative things that students shouldn’t know about. 

The goal of any organization, whether that be the university or those within it, is to put on a good face. 

That’s what keeps students at the school: ignorant bliss. When the paper covers so-called “scandals,” those people get a bad rap with the students. 

Instead of improving our attitudes or being professional, we should be able to exist without a microscope on us. 

Even though free media is an essential part of keeping citizens informed on how their money is being spent or how their leaders are behaving, students don’t actually count as citizens. They don’t care about the technicalities of keeping everything running. Why report about it?

People in power don’t need to be held accountable to the people who pay thousands to keep them in power! Everyone should just be grateful they provide anything at all. 

Besides, it’s not like The Crite writes positive articles. More often than not, everything is a hit piece. 

The Criterion needs to be shut down, or at least defunded, so that they learn a lesson about using their first amendment right.