Home Authors Posts by Ryan Biller

Ryan Biller

Ryan Biller is a freshman who is originally from Westminster, Colorado. Human rights and the environment tend to be the preferable topic choice for his writing, as he feels that they're the most important. This is his first year with The Criterion and serving as the Opinions Editor.
President Donald Trump was acquitted of his two impeachment charges during a Senate vote that was nearly uniform among party lines. On Feb. 5, 2020, history...
Consider this: the same route that you take from your dorm to class every day could have been the very same route that the Stegosaurus once walked...
As the new semester quickly approaches, students and people all over the world are working on their new year's resolutions. According to Forbes, new resolutions are a difficult thing to...
Adopt a Family is a program through Mesa County Workforce Center that aims to help families who are struggling financially and may not be able to put...