ASG meets in Montrose


On Wednesday, Mar. 1, ASG met in Montrose for their weekly meeting in order to reach out to the students at that campus.

During this meeting, changes to the bylaws of the ASG constitution were briefly discussed and the Colorado Capital Conference bills were passed. This conference will take place from June 21-23 in Washington D.C., allowing students to tour the capitol, as well as meet speakers and senators.

This program accepts 100 Colorado residents through a scholarship program, and will be co-hosted by U.S Senators Cory Gardner and Michael Bennet. Some of the previous speakers at the conference have included Sen. John McCain, Sen. Marco Rubio and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The bills discussed will award full scholarships for three students from Colorado Mesa University to attend the conference. Some of the ASG senators believed this conference can be important for students to attend.

Senate Leader Brooke Houston thought the program was important.

“The school does this every year,” Houston said. “It sends students to D.C. along with students from [University of Colorado-Boulder.] The experience is priceless for those students. It brings a lot back to the campus and it represents Mesa in a really positive way on a national level.”

Senator Kameron Paige was able to attend this program previously and further explained some of the opportunities offered.

“It really was a life changing experience,” Paige said. “We got to meet very influential people not only within our own state, but within the capital as well. You get unmeasurable experience with senators and other businessmen and women.”

These bills were passed, and the scholarships offered will pay for the airfare costs, hotel costs, registration fees, for food and event costs.

To apply for this scholarship, visit the website at The registration will be closing on Mar. 27.