ASG discusses upcoming campus expansion

Student government holds first meeting of the year


The Associated Student Government (ASG) of Colorado Mesa University held its first meeting of the 2017-2018 school year this past Wednesday. The meeting began with a report from ASG President Ben Linzey regarding an upcoming tailgate next Thursday by the throwing fields in between the tennis courts and Suplizio Field.

“We are hoping to make it an environment where we can just celebrate being Mavericks,” Linzey said.

Student Trustee Beau Flores moved the conversation toward his meeting last Thursday with the CMU Board of Trustees. Flores gave a report regarding the voting and approval of various expansions to CMU, many of which are slated for completion sometime during the 2018-2019 school year. These expansions include a second building for the Health Sciences department, which will house 75-90 additional students.

The Moss performing arts building will also receive an expansion, as the department is planning on adding more programs.  A second parking garage will be added, as well as another residence hall similar in design to Garfield or Wingate.

One of the larger expansions planned for CMU is a teaching hotel for the use of hospitality management students. The hotel will have 91 beds and serve as a way for students to get practical experience in their future field.

The meeting concluded with six senator appointments for the vacant positions of Montrose campus senator, language, literature and mass communications senator, Western Colorado Community College senator, physical, environmental and biological science senator, freshman senator and graduate senator.

All candidates were approved to serve on ASG for the upcoming year, and subsequently swore a senatorial oath of office. Only two additional positions, fine and performing arts senator and computer science, math and statistics senator remain to be filled for the upcoming year.