A Charitable Christmas


It is already that time of year for Christmas. Most of us are joyous and happy, but there are some families here in Grand Junction that do not feel this way. It is not that they don’t want to, it is because of the stress of not knowing how they are going to give their children a Christmas.

In some instances, it is about how they are going to afford not only the gifts but the food as well. It is hard to imagine this feeling unless you have been in the situation yourself. As someone who is not able to financially afford to have a Christmas myself, I do understand.

Living through this financial struggle has given me a different perspective and understanding. Christmas isn’t all about the gifts, it is about much more. This reminds me of the movie, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” At the end of the movie, when the Grinch realized that Christmas was about much more than gifts, his heart grew three sizes with that understanding. Who would have thought that a children’s Christmas movie would actually hold such a deep message?  

It is a good feeling to know that there are groups here at Colorado Mesa University that are participating in programs such as Adopt-A-Family, as well as a food bank for students.  

The Student Ambassadors are helping the Mesa County Workforce with their Adopt-A-Family program. The Business Department has also collected food, household items, gifts for children, and were also collecting gift cards to City Market and WalMart for a local family as part of the Adopt-A-Family program with the Ambassadors. 

On Saturday Dec. 8, the Justice League of Hope had their third donation drive of the season, which was held at R&S toys located at 1000 North 5th Street. The Black Widow, Joker, Spiderman, other superheroes, in addition to The Criterion’s Editor in Chief Chris DeLeon, dressed as Batman, were out waving at people as they passed by. They even had Santa and Olaf! They certainly gained the attention of the passersby who were driving down North Ave. This was all for fulfilling the wishlists of 13 ‘Super Kiddos’ for Christmas.

If you were unable to help with these events, there is always a way you can help a family in need. Students can call area churches as well as Catholic Outreach to get further information on how they can help a family have a nice Christmas despite the financial struggles they are facing. You can also contact the various clubs and departments here on campus to see if they are participating in helping families in need.  

Another simple way to help is to donate food and clothing items to our on campus resource located in Albers Hall. For more information on how to donate and what items are needed, you can contact Rose Willet. 

Another way is that if you live in the area and know of students who are going to be spending Christmas alone, invite them over for the festivities. Just being with someone and having fun for the holidays can make a big difference in someone’s life.  

Let’s allow our hearts to grow even bigger this season and lend a helping hand to those in need. Don’t look at this as a handout, because it certainly is not. These families are just in a situation that is keeping them from being able to have the money to provide what most of us take for granted. Remember, it is always better to give than to receive!  

I hope that everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

Image courtesy of Susan Moore | The Criterion
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