That incurable disease we call “best friend”


Have you ever stopped to think about how different your life would be without your best friends? That group of two to four people that you can share anything with can be such an important part of life!

Friends come and go like the changes in the dry desert sands of the Sahara. However, there are some friends, though very few, that stick around forever like an incurable disease that you can never get rid of no matter how hard you try – I know, not exactly what you’d think of when describing a best friend.

These people can be in your life for years or they could only have been around for a mere few months, but their characteristics are all the same.

These friends are there for you through and through. They have seen you at your worst and still are there for you no matter what. They will support you no matter how crazy your dreams are. They are your support group no matter what happens. After your family, they are the next group of people to care so deeply for you.

Now, the truth is these people aren’t perfect, and if they are truly your best friends, you’re going to clash. They are a close second to blood family when it comes to knowing how to push your buttons. They are going to say things that are just going to completely anger you because, in most cases, you know what they’re saying is completely true.

Consider yourself lucky to have one person in your life like this, because a majority of people don’t. I am blessed to have four people, that are not family, that I know I can count on. They aren’t perfect, nor am I, and we can disagree. I mean like explosive fights at times, but in the end, I know they have my back. They have been there for me in the hardest times, and they will continue to be there for me.

The memories I have with these four individuals will never leave me. All the laughing, serious talks, teary-eyed discussions and all the stuff in between will always stick with me. I couldn’t imagine life without these four people. They are as important to me as my own family. They are that disease that will never leave, no matter how much of a pain I can be to them at times.

However, recently I realized I have taken advantage of this gift that I have been given. This is mostly because of school, work, clubs and so on; however, I was recently reminded of how important these people are in my life. I encourage everyone just to take some time out of their day to reach out to that friend, it could be even your sibling – I see my sister as one of my best friends, but I will never admit that to her – and just let them know how important they are in your life.

Life would be boring without these amazing people in it. Don’t waste time pursuing mundane things. Yes, classes are important, but so are those people who support you and care for you. They are one of the most essential parts of your life.

Image courtesy of Noah Stahlecker | The Criterion