A new monument sign was put up over Christmas break at 12th Street and Walnut Avenue near the Health Sciences Building. The new monument sign reads ‘Colorado Mesa University’ and signifies the far northeast side of campus.
The new monument sign is a replica of the monument signs found on 12th Street and North Avenue as well as 12th Street and Orchard Avenue.
Director of Media Relations Dana Nunn said, “I think it has value in terms of visibility, particularly for those outside of this community. We’ve got parents and visitors coming in off the interstate, flying in. They come in and drive down 12th and so that is now the northernmost edge of campus. So that would serve as a demarcation of the beginning of campus.”
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The total costs to build the sign were approximately $40,000 and the money used was institutional dollars.
In past years, traffic studies have been used to determine how much exposure the different sides of campus would get.
“Ultimately the decision was President Foster’s but I think it was his decision whether to change out the letters or demolish what was there or replace it with a replica,” Nunn said.
The new monument sign stands in front of the Health and Wellness Building facing northeast.