by Georgia McClellan
The year is 2016, gay marriage has been legalized in all 50 states. There are laws protecting gay people’s basic human rights. Same sex couples can adopt in all 50 states. There are all of these incredible things for the LGBT community, except a majority of society only cares about the L, G and T.
It seems whenever we’re talking about the “gays” we only discuss people who have attraction toward one gender, but what about those who are attracted to both genders? I’m talking about bisexuals, people.
The ever mysterious and magical bisexuals are wonderful people who typically get overlooked when talking about LGBT issues.
Why is that? It seems many people don’t believe in bisexuality. They can’t fathom how someone can be attracted to both genders. Maybe it freaks them out that they are so cool.
I just want to ask these people what they think the B in LGBT stands for. Bicycles? Bubble gum? Broccoli? How can an entire sexual orientation be erased so easily? Well, it probably has to do with ignorance.
I remember when I was growing up I frequently heard that bisexuality was made up for gay boys to pretend they still like girls so their mothers wouldn’t disown them. Sadly, I thought this to be true for a lot longer than I’d like to admit. It wasn’t until I got to college that I was thankfully able to get past this and open my mind a little and learn some new things.
If I can figure out that bisexuality is valid so can you. Old dogs can absolutely learn new tricks, or at least learn to recognize people’s sexuality.
Another reason bisexuality is sometimes ignored is you can’t always pick out a bisexual person as easily as finding a flannel-sporting lesbian chilling under a rainbow.
Let’s say a bisexual girl is in a romantic relationship with another girl. This doesn’t all of a sudden make her a lesbian. She is still bisexual, promise. The same goes for a bisexual man dating a woman. He isn’t straight now. He’s still bisexual. Do we get it?
I can understand you might not always know someone’s sexuality and it’s easier to say two women dating are both lesbians; I won’t blame you for getting it wrong at first. But, if someone opens up to you about his or her personal sexuality, it isn’t for you to decide whether or not it is valid.
To all of my bisexuals: Hello. You are valid and you are neat. Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re being promiscuous or that you can’t make up your mind. If you want to kiss that girl then you go right on and do it and if you want to hook up with that boy: that’s way cool.
Just remember anyone that isn’t down with bisexuals is possibly intimidated that you’ll steal his or her prospective mate.
At the end of the day, everyone should just like who they want to like and move on with their life. There are way bigger things to worry about like global warming or the 2016 presidential candidates. Seriously, we all should be worried,- but not about bisexuals.