During rush hour on campus, usually between noon and 3:00 p.m., the sidewalks on campus are packed. Bikes, skateboards and scooters fly by weaving aggressively between pedestrians, with both parties making sure to have their heads on a swivel ready to avoid an oncoming collision.
The lack of bike lanes creates chaos that rains down on students simply trying to get around campus. With so many amenities available on campus, such as the bike pump track and multiple skateboard racks, all catering to bikes and skateboards, the fact must be known that there is a heavy presence of bikers and skaters on campus.
I have tried to skateboard around campus with little luck. During rush hour, people flood out of the buildings and for me, a beginner, I struggle dodging people left and right with people coming at me from every angle.
Even friends of mine, trying to learn, only dare to go out at night when no one is out.
Also, bikers add more to the problem, increasing the chaos ensuing on the main campus walkways. Grand Junction has a huge biking community and campus is no exception. With bikers going to the pump track or class, as well as the general Grand Junction public coming to bike here on campus, our small walkways become a sea of people.
The CMU cycling team can also be seen bustling through the sidewalks, whizzing past those on foot. This team would especially benefit from a bike lane to further their training abilities, without having to worry about oncoming traffic throughout campus.
Might I clarify, bikers, cyclists and others are not the problem, as they are simply enjoying their hobbies or finding a way to get around faster. The real problem is the absence of bike lanes on campus.
With such a heavy presence of bikers, skateboarders, cyclists and scooters, the question is raised as to why there are no bike or board lanes on the main paths across campus.
Concern over this ever-growing issue needs to be in the limelight. Walking across campus becomes a danger for people on foot and for others using alternative ways to get across campus.
If we cannot be safe simply getting around campus, then how is CMU to be a safe and reputable place in general?
Not only do the students on campus need to see a change, but so does the public of Grand Junction.