Mikayla Olave for The Criterion
Colorado Mesa University (CMU) Associated Student Government (ASG) thoroughly
discussed Bill 19-18 regarding funding for the music department to travel to
the Conference for National Association for Music Education (CNAFME).
In order to attend the conference, the music department made various fundraising efforts but expressed a need for additional funding from ASG.
The Treasurer of the Music Education Club explained that in the past there hasn’t been many fundraisers, and that the Music Education Club has a fundraiser coming up and has currently held three fundraisers this year.
There was lengthy discussion regarding the specific funding that ASG would be giving the music department. An attempt was made to table the bill until next week, but the movement was opposed with seven yesses, eight no’s and one abstained.
“The contribution was a third from us, them and students. The total would have been $65 per student. We are only paying just under $50. The percentage we are paying is the same as that of the physical educator’s club,” Chief Financial Officer Jacob Martin said.
Mikayla Olave for The Criterion
“I just want to suggest, we can lower the bill another $400, we would pay a little over $1,500. And that would increase student contribution. I think $1,500 from us is fair. This is just $10 per student added,” Senator Daniel Haas said.
After further discussion and no resolution in sight, another
vote was made to table the bill indefinitely.
“I have talked to the President already, one thing I found out that if it is passed, it is not a happy number for anybody in this room. With this, if we table this, Beau can talk to their advisor and ask about the sustainability of this club. I really do not see us getting to the perfect solution tonight,” Senator Karson Fye said.
Yesses took the vote with ten yesses, five no’s and one abstain. The bill was tabled indefinitely.
In other news, ASG will be travelling to Adams State University to visit another campus’ student campus for the weekend. ASG will also be attending Safe Walk and Battle on the Pitch.