For a look at Artober Fest in photos, see the photo gallery at the end of the story, from Elias Born and Nico Ortega for The Criterion.
Molten iron being poured.Nico Ortega for The Criterion
The Colorado Mesa University (CMU) campus saw its Delta Field covered with students, artists and galleries on Thursday, Oct. 17 for the Department of Art & Design’s Artober Fest. In its fifth year, the Fest featured events open to the public and spectators alike.
During the sidewalk chalk contest.Nico Ortega for The Criterion
“I think it’s really awesome. I kind of
look forward to it every year because we
don’t see a lot of the art majors branching
out of their own building, so it’s nice to
see them out and see what they’re actively
doing and the projects they’re making and
stuff like that,” senior computer science
major Tori Riggs said. “Especially since
I’m a computer scientist, and I get stuck
looking at computer screens all day, it’s
nice to see some creativity around.”
Events included the iron pour, where the Sculpture Guild poured molten iron to cast sculptures. The Printmaking Guild demonstrated live printing onto T-shirts and other apparel from woodcuts. Many of these items were up for sale.
Professor Greg Mikolai filming an interview with professor Araan Schmidt.Elias Born for The Criterion.
Besides the T-shirts, other items for sale
included portraits and caricatures being
sold by the Animation, Film, Photography
& Motion Design Club. They even included
a bake sale with free popcorn. The Clay
Cub even had ceramics for sale. All the
proceeds from sales went directly to the
individual student-run clubs.
Students getting their hands dirty and making pottery.Elias Born for The Criterion
“We’ve been giving away some pieces
and we’re doing a lot of fundraising for
Clay Club because we’re going to [The
National Council on Education for the
Ceramic Arts Annual Conference], which
is the national convention here in the
States,” junior and Secretary of Clay Club
Jillian MacDonald said. “It’s actually the
largest clay convention in the States, or
internationally, actually. We’re going to
that in March, and that’s in Richmond,
A Chalk Contest allowed students to
decorate to their hearts’ content. Limited
to five teams or individuals, with prizes
for the top three. Chalk was provided for
entrants. The Graffiti Wall was covered in
art, many times over, until the art of those
who started was no longer visible.
Much of the artwork covered by new layers at the Graffiti Wall.Elias Born for The Criterion
Finally, a pop-up gallery was provided by the CMU Art Gallery Student Committee. The one-day pop up gallery included artwork by CMU students and alumni alike.
“A lot of kids have that misconception of art that it’s an easy degree, when that’s not the case at all. It’s actually very time consuming and very difficult so I think events like this can get school involved and get other students involved that might have that negative like connotation of art, and I think that’s really cool that we can bring awareness to it,” MacDonald said.