There seems to be a stigma around needing help. I say that this is ridiculous. Everyone needs help at one point or another.
Everyone has something that they are struggling with – whether it be academic or otherwise.
For the purpose of this article, let’s talk academics. There is no shame to be had in seeking help. For example, I am an accounting student. I know; weird that a numbers person is an editor. Gotta diversify my “skill set” and all that jazz. Anyway, during Accounting 201, an intro accounting class I might add, I was visiting the Tutorial Learning Center (TLC) probably once a week. And that is my major.
During that intro course, I was learning an entirely new concept, and I was sure as hell going to ensure I ace’d that course. Pardon my French. Accounting 201 and 202 helped me discover my passion for the subject. But it was challenging at times – even for someone inclined towards that type of thinking. What about those students who hate the idea of addition and subtraction but were being required to take an accounting class for their degree?
Sometimes, saying that it was a struggle would be an understatement. For those who were driven though, they made the effort. They were in the TLC seeking the help they needed from the extremely helpful accounting tutors. You might be asking about those undriven individuals. I’m afraid to say, their fate was more grim.
Those who seek out help should never be ashamed or embarrassed. Doing so shows your passion, drive, strong work ethic, and a continuing list of positive attributes. Those who continually fail classes and “bomb” tests should be the ones to turn rosy.
Keep on rockin’ on mavs! And never be afraid to get the help you need. Everyone needs it sometimes.