Western State Colorado University in Gunnison has officially proposed a name-change to the Colorado House, requesting to drop “State” and become “Western Colorado University.” WSCU has already changed their name on their website and official documents; an action that has caused pushback from CMU.
WSCU initiated the official name change, introduced as bill HB19-1178 to the Colorado House. They dropped the word “State” on its website in 2017, and filed a trademark for Western Colorado University.
In 2011, CMU, then known as Mesa State College, held a survey to determine what the new name of the school would be. The top choice was the University of Western Colorado, which was followed by Western Colorado University. However, neither of these names were ultimately chosen, and for one specific reason.
WSCU, then known as Western State College, forbode CMU from using the word ‘western’ in the new name, presumably out of concern for the confusion of incoming students, according to CMU Public Relations Director David Ludlam. Mesa State College became Colorado Mesa University, and in similar fashion, forbode WSCU, who were also trying to rename, from using either of those top two name choices. Western State College became Western State Colorado University, and supposedly both sides were happy with the new status quo.
Recently, however, WSCU dropped the word “State” out of branding, merchandise, and recruiting efforts, despite prior promises to leave the title, “Western Colorado University,” untouched.
After CMU discouraged these actions, WSCU continued their efforts to officially change their name, so CMU registered six URLs, each with a slight variation on “westerncoloradouniversity” and “universityofwesterncolorado.” All of those URLs now redirect to CMU’s website when entered into a search bar.
In an Aug. 2016 letter, WSCU President Greg Salsbury wrote to CMU President Tim Foster: “Western cannot tolerate any unfair competition or attempts to trade on the goodwill of its name and brand.”
WSCU is moving forward with an official name change, violating the agreement with CMU but otherwise breaking no laws. “It is Western’s position now, as it always has been, that the core brands for Western are its W logo and the word Western,” Salsbury wrote in his letter. “For years, our school has used the word ‘Western’ as the shorthand for the university and in all of its branding, marketing, and advertising materials.”
Representative Barbara McLachlan and Senator Kerry Donovan are prime sponsors of the bill, with The Daily Sentinel quoting McLachlan: “The bill merely simplifies the name by striking the word state. Western is how the institution is most commonly referred to by students and the public.”
House District 54 Representative Matt Soper, former CMU student trustee, is at odds with the bill, with the Sentinel also quoting him: “There was an agreement as late as 2016 that Western State Colorado University would not engage in this name change. While I respect the fact that Western has had the name Western since 1923, I do agree that agreements should be honored.”
The bill has been introduced and is currently under consideration. If it passes the House, it still needs to go through the Colorado Senate before becoming official.