Three new trustees stepped into empty positions for Colorado Mesa University’s board on Jan. 1, appointed by former Colorado Governor Hickenlooper (D). Last Friday, current Governor Jared Polis (D) rescinded the positions of the two Republican trustees.
The new trustees were Jon Anderson of Greenwood Village, Daniel Ramos of Denver and Sonia Gutierrez of Grand Junction.
Anderson, Ramos and Gutierrez replaced the positions of Bob Wilson, Jose D.L. Marquez and Kathleen Eck.
“Anderson is a partner at Maven Law Group in Denver and specializes in government affairs, nonprofit and corporate legal services,” according to The Daily Sentinel. Gutierrez wants to complete her bachelor’s degree. Ramos is the executive director of One Colorado, an LGBTQ advocacy organization.
Anderson and Gutierrez saw their appointments rescinded last Friday. Polis replaced the Republican trustees with Kasia Iwanizcko MacLeod and Amy Lentz, according to The Daily Sentinel. MacLeod is a Democrat and Lentz is unaffiliated.