During the whole month of October, there is a black box with red sparkly letters that spell “GSA TOY DRIVE” in the University Center next to the U.S. Bank table. The box has been put there by Avery Ashby, the coordinator of the Gay-Straight Alliance.
“Being the new coordinator of the GSA I really wanted to do something to get our name out there,” Ashby said. “It would be really awesome to have our name out in good standing in this community, especially since Grand Junction is so conservative.”
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“The idea came to me when a guest speaker from Hilltop Family First Program first came into class,” Ashby said. Hilltop is a business in Grand Junction that tries to make a difference for all generations since 1950. Their programs go from prenatal health care to assisted living for seniors. One of their programs is directed to families in need who are unable to spend money on Christmas gifts.
“It was especially important to me because I was one of those kids growing up. I remember there were some years where the only presents that I got were from the church’s donation bin that they would give to my family, and so I thought it would not only be a very good way to pay it forward but also to pay it back. I’m happy that I can give those other families a chance now that I am an adult and I have the means.”
Ashby encourages people to give what they can. “The box is in the UC, it’s going to be there for the full month and it’s not going to move, and people can just donate toys,” Ashby said. “They don’t have to be expensive, they don’t have to be new, you can go to a thrift store and as long as its in good condition you can put it in the toy bin. You can also go to the dollar store and buy something small there. Anything really helps, even if you can only donate one thing. It’s just something really nice to do to make sure that these families can still give their kids a nice Christmas.”