It’s getting colder and many students are starting to get the sniffles. Have no fear! The Health Fair is here!
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Colorado Mesa University’s (CMU) Level 4 Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN) students are hosting their semi-annual health fair Oct. 24 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the University Center.
The Nursing students have put on this health fair each semester since fall 2016.
During each health fair they focus on “different health topics important and relevant to the student body at CMU,” Dr. Lucy Graham said. The overall goal is to educate the student body about “health issues that could affect them, like distracted driving, and unwanted sexual experiences. We also hope to help save lives by teaching CMU students how to perform hands-only CPR,” Dr. Graham said. “This year our topics include Citizen CPR, DUI/Alcohol use, Unwanted Sexual Experiences, and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs),” Melissa Steinbach, a Level 4 BSN student, said.
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Each fall the Health Fair partners with the Student Health Center to offer convenient flu shots for students. “Typically flu shots are covered with no copay,” for students who bring in their insurance card, Dr. Graham said. For students that don’t have insurance, they can get their flu shot for $30. “The Student Wellness Center sets up a table in the UC lobby where insurance is processed, and then the student can proceed upstairs to receive their flu shot in a private setting,” Steinbach said.
“This flu season is supposed to be the worse one yet, so we are focusing on prevention. At the four tables, we will be teaching Citizen CPR, educating on sexually transmitted diseases and the Colorado State Patrol will be there to do mock roadside tests. The purpose of this event is primarily education for college-aged individuals. Level 4 students take a community and population nursing class that focuses on community education and prevention which is why we are putting on this event,” Steinbach said.