Can you believe that we are already halfway through the semester? I can’t.

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It feels like the semester has just barely started – yet it is already time for midterms. Time to set aside the extracurricular activities and study for the multitude of exams we must take. For some, midterms are not that big of a deal. For others, it becomes one heck of a stressful week.
I didn’t initially panic when the subject of midterms came along. For most classes it is just another scheduled test. Some classes, though, do have the traditional midterms. For me, it is just a process of staying on top of what I am learning and not forgetting what we have already been tested on. And this can be tricky sometimes.
“In regards to midterms, I don’t feel much panic. As a senior, I’m kind of numb to it all at this point. It’s important, but it’s just another test. As long as I do my work, I know that I don’t have much to worry about.
Perhaps studying abroad helped me in that aspect – the only grades I received in all of my classes while in England were for midterms and finals, no quizzes or papers to provide a cushion. Back in the states, with so many assignments to receive points on… yeah, I don’t really panic anymore,“ CMU senior Marissa Hill said.
“As a non-traditional and employed student, a grandmother of twins, a full-time student and an elderly caregiver for my mother-in-law, I’m exhausted. With all that’s on my plate, midterms did panic me a little; however, I feel I weathered them well and look forward to the downhill slope to the end of the semester,” CMU senior Tina Blackstone said.
Even though midterms can cause some panic, always remember the best course of action is to spend some time studying. So much of the classwork that we do carries on into future classes. Just study, relax, and do the best that you can do.