Located in: Opinions
Posted on: April 14th, 2014 No Comments

Queer Quips: LGBT-inclusive ads reflective of growing social acceptance

Recently, many companies have begun to include LGBT couples in their ads, and some of these companies experience quite the backlash from conservative groups. A new survey conducted earlier this month, however, shows that the majority of Americans agree that having representation of LGBT people in ads accurately reflects our society.

We are living in an age where LGBT representation is something that shouldn’t be a big deal. Media should strive to represent society accurately, and the fact that we are seeing more of these ads with LGBT couples represented is a true testament that being gay is not something that’s seen as taboo as it has in the past.

Some groups like One Million Moms feel the need to boycott any company that supports equal rights or has any positive representation of LGBT individuals. But people who do boycott these gay-friendly companies are learning that their opinions tend to be the unpopular ones. Under the current administration we have seen an overwhelming amount of support of LGBT equality. This has really made it to where the representation that we do see has almost become the norm. When we compare attitudes from 10 years ago to today, it’s not hard to see that times have changed and people’s thoughts have evolved for the better in relation to attitudes toward LGBT individuals.

The next big step for companies that do include LGBT couples in advertising is to mainstream this advertising more. Of course, a company’s main goal is profit, but if it were to expand its advertising, featuring people identifying as LGBT to increase visibility, it would make a big impact. It would help those who are undecided on the issue of equal rights and treatment for LGBT individuals realize that this lifestyle is not something unnatural or to be feared.

In a sense, by putting a face to the LGBT community, advertisers humanize us, showing that we are people who love, have families and live relatively normal lives in comparison to the rest of society.


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