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Posted on: March 25th, 2012 No Comments

Pogo Ninja



Who is the Night Rider on campus?

The question might not be as gripping a mystery to those who may be wondering how to figure out the workings of the female mind or those hoping to solve the nation’s debt crisis, but it has been a mystery none the less. Those timely enough to witness the mystifyingly elusive pogo ninja, have seen him riding around campus late at night and sometimes well into the morning.

His identity has been revealed. Freshman Armond Lorenzana, a Psychology Counselor major living on campus, has been riding pogo stick, or “hopping” as he calls it, for almost a year now after taking it up last summer.

“I was at a friend’s last summer, and he had one in like a junk heap,” Lorenzana said. “He never used it so I just took it and said, ‘I’m gonna learn how to use this tonight,’ so I did. It broke later that night, but I definitely wanted one from then on.”

A majority of the attention he received was during the day time when he would bounce around campus. In an effort to avoid people who were always hounding him for tricks, he started to ride late at night where he could have a little more privacy.

“I used to ride in the afternoon, but people were always like, ‘Can you do a back flip?’ I mean almost every single time,” Lorenzana said. “That’s like me having a guitar and someone asking if I can play Free Bird. The people that talk to me usually want to ride my pogo stick, so I let them. I mean the more people that like it and want to do it, the better. This campus could use some more hopping.”

When asked about a couple of nicknames he has been given, including the “pogo ninja” and “night rider,” he was a little surprised.

“I don’t call myself anything, it’s just people. I mean I’ll take titles, I don’t care. I just don’t make them. Although I like Night Rider better than Pogo Ninja, because I am not very stealthy,” Lorenzana said.

Whatever his alias may be, those hoping to catch a glimpse of Lorenzana in action will need to be on alert. He chooses his locations at random. When asked if there was anything he would like to leave with his fellow students or something he would like them to know, he answered quite simply, “Stop asking me to do a back flip.”




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