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Posted on: May 3rd, 2010 No Comments

Editorial: You choose whether or not you fail

“Making your mark on the world is hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. But it’s not. It takes patience, it takes commitment, and it comes with plenty of failure along the way. The real test is not whether you avoid this failure, because you won’t. It’s whether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere.”
– Barack Obama
Summer is just around the corner and nerves are high as finals approach. Graduation is coming. New opportunities are right within grasp. This should be a new and exciting time for everyone, especially graduating seniors. It’s a scary time to be out in the ‘real world’ on your own. Jobs are had to come by, and many soon to be graduates fear for their futures.
For everyone leaving Mesa State, whether you are graduating or not, don’t fear the future. This summer holds opportunities for great things to happen. New jobs, new relationships, new beginnings lay ahead. Don’t be afraid to take risks this summer.
There is a difference between true failure and a lack of success. Being unsuccessful is something a person can’t control. Failure is something a person can control, because failure is giving up on the learning process. It’s refusing to take something from the situation and using it to be better in the future.
Anyone can be unsuccessful, but only people who choose to can fail.
There is a difference between true failure and a lack of success. Being unsuccessful is something a person can’t control. Failure is something a person can control, because failure is giving up on the learning process. It’s refusing to take something from the situation and using it to be better in the future.
Anyone can be unsuccessful, but only people who choose to can fail.
Success is something everyone strives for and it feels good. But being unsuccessful is what makes a person learn the most about themselves. Remember that life doesn’t have a set of rules. There’s no formula to make you whole. You might hurt to heal, and you will risk to love. But you will find yourself if you truly search.
So no matter what your plans are for this summer, whether it be to graduate and move on to the next step of your life, or merely to have a new adventure this summer, remember that as long as you are learning it’s not a failure. Leave here in the knowledge you are a part of this family, this campus, this institution. You are a part of a community that has always had the same goal: to pursue learning. Just because you leave here, doesn’t mean the learning stops.
Make mistakes, take risks, live life, and most importantly love the learning. Don’t forget the lessons you learned here at Mesa. Take the lessons and the successes you have had here and remember them wherever you go, no matter where your successes or lack thereof take you.

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