“Bright Ideas” is a bright idea

Go see the Mesa Experimental Theatre production


“Bright Ideas” is a funny tale of the extremes that parents go through to make sure their child achieves excellence. Katelyn Craig, who plays Genevra, the “loving” mother to Mac, does a perfect passive-aggressive personality, with a hint of evil.

Michael Robinson plays Joshua the funny dad. Robinson killed the show as he played a drunk father. Robinson reminded me of Ed Helms when Helms played Andy on The Office.

Genevra and Joshua Bradley present themselves as the “perfect” married couple with the “perfect” child. That thought process will change quickly in the second half of the show. The show has gun shots, Kenny G music and more. This show will keep you guessing and entertained.  

The show is very creative and well done. I laughed and smiled throughout the whole thing. Murphy Baker plays Denise, as well as a variety of characters. Baker does an incredible job on playing dead. Baker even gets her head slammed on a table and kept her cool in the whole scene.

Justin Whittenburg made me laugh out loud in every scene he walked in, from flight attendant to beer belly coach to the outgoing Ross. Whittenburg is phenomenal. Shawn Seals does a beautiful Cate and other funny characters like a dancing beaver. The production is super surprising. You see it going one way and then it drastically changes. I thought that was super cool. You could tell all the actors worked so hard on the funny show.

All the cast members besides Craig and Robinson would change characters. The cast did such a good job going from one personality to the other. I couldn’t believe how well they would transform. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the cast members in big time movies some day soon. That’s how well they ALL did.

If this show gives you any interest at all, I recommend you to see “Bright Ideas.” This theatre production will make you laugh to that point that it’s almost embarrassing. Yet, it brings in the warm family connections inside of you. The production deserves an award.

Amazing job, director Samatha Cage and cast and crew. I would give this show five stars. You won’t regret staying for the two-hour theatre show. “Bright Ideas” is showing Sept. 14-16.